A TON OF STUFF is going on today. It figures. I don't post more than a few times a month and then, bam! Everything happens at once.
I was interviewed over at the A to Z Challenge blog. It was a ton of fun and it should be up today. Please go check it out, it was really cool. .
Today is more of uber awesome Did I Notice Your Book blogfest. Check out my entry at the end of today's post.
And I've got a guest poster today. My first ever. PT Dilloway is celebrating the release of his new novel,
A Hero's Journey, by doing a blog tour. He's here today to talk about the cover. I'm thrilled he asked me to do this. I've been looking forward to this book for a long time.
First of all, thanks Rusty for having me on your blog today!
We’re all acquainted with the expression not to judge a book by its cover. Most of us are also probably acquainted with the fact that this advice is hogwash. Everyone judges a book by its cover! Think of it this way: if book covers weren’t important than every book would just have a plain white cover with the title and author name. So obviously having a good cover is very important.
That’s why I was so glad when I asked Rusty that he agreed to do my cover for me. For my three self-published books I’d done the covers myself, but that consisted of taking a stock photo (or in the case of my novel
Virgin Territory it’s a photo I took myself) and throwing some text on it. That works fine for literary novels where you don’t really need anything too specialized. For literary fiction you can generally get away with a picture of some shoes or a sunset or something like that. If you don’t believe me, go look up literary fiction on Amazon and see for yourself.
The problem with a book like A Hero’s Journey though is that you can’t do that. You could have a photo of some shoes or a sunset, but it wouldn’t really make sense. It wouldn’t really convey to the reader that, “Hey this is a superhero book!” That’s what you really want the cover to do, give the potential reader some idea what the book is before they open it, or in the case of buying online, click on the link.
And as far as stock photos go, there isn’t that much out there that’s helpful. I mean when you’re creating a specific character like the Scarlet Knight, you can’t really expect a stock photo to look the way you want. The best you can hope for is to find a piece that might fit: a helmet, a sword, a cape, or maybe boots. Still, it’s not quite the same as having an original cover.
Unfortunately when it comes to drawing I am completely worthless. The closest I can come to drawing anything is to make characters on the Sims 2. Which is why I was happy when Rusty agreed to do the drawing for me.
PT's sketch |
The obvious hitch was to decide what exactly to draw. I finally got an idea, though unfortunately for me it came at about four in the morning. I got up and spent a couple hours before I had to go to work sketching something very, very crude to give Rusty an idea what I was thinking.
He took that and ran with it big-time. You can see the finished product. There was some wrangling with the publisher over the size of the text, which took a few weeks to get to the point where they finally accepted it.
Finished painting |
Obviously I’m really happy with how the cover turned out. It’s a heck of a lot better than some stock photo. It really gives the prospective reader a good idea of what the story involves. If you didn’t have a title or description or anything you’d still have a good idea it’s about a woman who’s a superhero in a big city. Maybe you could even figure out her superhero name just from the picture. I mean she’s got red armor on, right?
I hope you enjoy the cover as much as I do and the rest of the book too. You can buy the book from the
Solstice Publishing website here as well as Amazon, B&N, and other retailers. To find out more about
A Hero’s Journey including character bios, deleted scenes, and a visitor’s guide to Rampart City visit my blog at
Thanks to Rusty for hosting me today and for drawing the book’s awesome cover!
I appreciate PT taking the time to discuss the cover, they can be hard work to do. He is also going to be GIVING AWAY ONE FREE PDF COPY of his new novel to one lucky commenter, so let him know you want it down below.
FINALLY, DID I NOTICE YOUR BOOK? That's right, in a brilliant game of internet scavenger hunt, Alex J Cavanaugh and Ciara Knight have challenged bloggers to find a book, mention it, and see if the author can find it.
Fun game. So Ben S Dobson, author of Scriber, please come find me. You've got until the end of the day today to win.
The blurb:
Disgraced scholar Dennon Lark only wants to be left alone in his
self-imposed exile—an exile that ends when a rebel army wielding impossible
powers launches a series of brutal attacks on villages across the Kingsland.
Forced from his home, Dennon is drawn back into a world he wants nothing to do
with. His research into the kingdom's lost past—the very research that sent him
into hiding—may hold the answers to a great many questions about the rebels.
Questions about their shadowy motives; about their mysterious abilities; and
about their ever-increasing numbers, constantly bolstered by those thought
killed in their attacks. And only the King's infamous warrior niece Bryndine
Errynson and her company of female soldiers trust him enough to help him find
the truth before the rebels burn the Kingsland to the ground. Following a trail
of historical clues across the kingdom and pursued by forces they don't fully
understand, Dennon and Bryndine may be the realm's only hope. But in order to
preserve the Kingsland's future, they must first uncover its past.