I think I've hinted around for a while now that I was pretty dissatisfied with my writerly pursuits in 2012. Since I went through my books read during the year, I thought I would go over the things I wrote in 2012 and see what I
actually did, and what I didn't do.
The Blutonian Death Egg - Finished - A novel about a twenty-something slacker that finds himself as humanity's representative to an alien species.
I've really just sat on this. I submitted this a couple of years ago to a traditional publisher or three and then pulled it back after several rejections and rethought what I was doing here. It's now a contemporary tale that I started a decade ago. It's getting dated. I had a few people read it in the past two years (Hey Alex! Hey Donna!) but in 2012 I decided to rework it some more... I just didn't work on it due to the other shiny things that captured my attention.
Nada's Song - Finished - a post apocalyptic short story set on a small moonbase. I thought it would be neat to explore what happens to people left alone after the world ends, namely, astronauts on the moon.
Submitted to and rejected by:
Writer's of the future, Analog, Lightspeed, Strange Horizons, Clarkesworld & Daily Science Fiction.
I like the story, a lot. I had to deal with the fact that it was a last-person-on-earth scenario which makes it a bit experimental for me. I mean, without other characters it's hard to do a traditional story. I think it works, but not everyone agreed with me.
The Legend of Catkid - Finished - A superhero origin story. I thought it would be fun to write a short-story that included b-list superheros that sometimes peddle dope on the side to make ends meet.
Submitted to and rejected by:
Strange Horizons, Escape Pod, Lightspeed, Michael Morcock's New Worlds*, Clarkesworld.
Another one I loved. One rejection had a note that mentioned how much they enjoyed some aspects of the story but felt it was a bit unfocused. I understand, it is all over the place.
My Killbot Buddy - Finished - probably my favorite story I wrote during the year. A story about a 120 year-old that has his dementia cured only to find out the whole world wants him dead for something he did while suffering from his affliction.
Submitted to and rejected by:
Clarkesworld, Strange Horizons, Asimov's, Escape Pod, Lightspeed & Analog.
Proof that thinking you've written an amazing story doesn't mean anyone else will.
Forager's Feast - Finished - Another post-apocalyptic story, this one about future scavengers looking for the things they need to survive.
Submitted to and rejected by:
Apex Magazine, Pseudopod & Nightmare Magazine.
I waffled on whether or not I should even submit this one, it has a twist ending that I wasn't really thrilled with. But I decided that I would let any potential editors make that decision. So far they've seemed to agree with my gut that this one isn't ready.
Going Home - Finished - Another one I personally thought was great. And yep - the world was ending again. It was 2012 after all, I mean, the world was
supposed to have ended. It was on my mind. This is about the fall of the last soldiers remaining during an alien invasion.
Submitted to and rejected by:
Lightspeed, Shimmer & Clockwork Phoenix.
This one might have been missing something, I dunno. I liked it.
Elvis, Leia, and Greedo Walk into a Bar... - Finished - a contest for a Star Wars competition. I can't recall what happened with that, but I posted it on my blog. You can read it any time you want by clicking on the page above.
Unnamed Ghost Story - Finished - You'd think I'd have a name for it. But it's about a peeping tom that accidentally stumbles onto a haunted bridge.
Written specifically for a locally produced anthology that is to be released sometime in 2013.
Lot's of local landmarks in this one. It was a great deal of fun to write.
The Ice Machine - Sorta Finished - A novelette written and almost great... but with something missing. It serves as a prelude of sorts for a novel drafted two years ago but never competed. It's complicated. Anyway, it's a story that stands alone but needs a companion piece to work. Not real sure what to do with it.
Submitted nowhere... it's sitting in a file while I try to figure what to do with it.
It'll be finished. I swear. |
Total Depravity - WIP - my never ending novella/short novel about a colonial era man hunting an escaped slave that I keep rewriting. I put it aside in October when I got stuck doing rewrites. I swear, it'll be done soon. This one is going to be self-pubbed once complete.
The Ascension Artifact** - WIP - I did the infamous Writer's Roundtable podcast about this one. Ugh. I put this aside mid-year to focus on Total Depravity. You can see that didn't work out too well for me. The intent for this one is to submit to traditional publishers once this one is done.
Mary's Tale - abandoned/shelved - I may pick it up and finish it. But anyone who's read
A Dead God's Wrath might recall Mary. This is another story that takes place in her life in the modern era. It's a premise that lacks a story right now. I worked on it for some time before I just gave up because I couldn't make it work.
Billy vs Science - shelved - I plan on finishing this later, really. But it's 1000 words or so about a boy that thinks he's a cosmic power trapped living the life of an elementary school child. I loved the premise so much that I need to come back to it and really focus on it when I can do it justice.
Unnamed apocalyptic tale - abandoned - a short story about why googling things won't work once society fails. I figured that this one was a bit too preachy. But man, it certainly proved my point.
And that's about it for me. There were a few flash fiction pieces I toyed with during the year, but for the most part. These were the things that consumed me in 2012.
And now you know.
* I actually was a bit unsure about New World's submission guidelines. I actually ended up writing to them and removing myself from consideration after 6 months or so. I'm sure I would have been rejected eventually anyway.
** That is NOT going to be the title of that book when it's finished. Ugh.